Nate Tall Lean Small Town Hottie At Sean Cody!

May 10th, 2013

 Nate, Tall, Lean, Small Town Hottie



Nate is a tall, lean guy who is a little bit shy! “I’m from the midwest,” he explained. “Very small town.” How small? “Well, I graduated with 16 people in my class!”  “Wow that is small! How many people are in the town?” “There’s about 500 people,” he said.  “So you know everyone else’s business?”
“Yeah, pretty much!”  He loves the small town life, though, and he loves the outdoors. “I live on a ranch, so I love to ride horses… I love working outside,” he said. “I love working with my hands!” We hope to see more of you Mister Nate!


   Take The XXX Tour  

Take The XXX Tour  

